What is a Screen?

The screen object is one of the child window objects that can provide some information about the users screen. Access to this object is carried out as a property of the window object, through the point e.x. - window.screen

Using these properties you can display the information you need. All this information is available through the following properties of this object:

  availHeight - Specifies the height of the screen in pixels, minus the permanent or semi-permanent user interface settings displayed by the operating system, such as the Taskbar on Windows;
  availLeft - Specifies the x-coordinate of the first pixel that is not placed in permanent or semi-permanent user interface settings;
  availTop - Specifies the y-coordinate of the first pixel that is not placed in permanent or semi-permanent user interface settings;
  availWidth - Specifies the width of the screen in pixels, minus permanent or semi-permanent user interface settings displayed by the operating system, such as the Taskbar on Windows;
  colorDepth - The bit depth of the color gamut, if used; otherwise, the value is taken from screen.pixelDepth;
  height - The height of the monitor screen;
  pixelDepth - Monitor screen resolution (in bits per pixel);
  width - The width of the monitor screen.