What are HTTP Requests?

The internet boasts a vast array of resources hosted on different servers. For you to access these resources, your browser needs to be able to send a request to the servers and display the resources for you. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), the underlying format that is used to structure request and responses for effective communication between a client and a server. The message that is sent by a client to a server is what is known as an HTTP request. When these requests are being sent, clients can use various methods.

What Are HTTP Request Methods?

An HTTP request is an action to be performed on a resource identified by a given Request-URL. Request methods are case-sensitive, and should always be noted in upper case. There are various HTTP request methods like GET, POST, HEAD, CONNECT, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS и TRACE, but each one is assigned a specific purpose.

How Do HTTP Requests Work?

HTTP requests work as the intermediary transportation method between a client/application and a server. The client submits an HTTP request to the server, and after internalizing the message, the server sends back a response. The response contains status information about the request.